As a yogi, I follow many inspiring yoga Instagram accounts. Most of them push out photos with the cliche formula of fit yogi + perfect pose + beautiful backdrop. Cha-ching, Instagram gold. 1 million followers and 5k likes. I love these photos because they encourage me to get my ass off the couch and onto my mat. But sometimes it’s nice to encounter something a bit different. A new message. Portrayed in a new light. From body-positive ladies to amputees to busy moms of three, these inspiring yoga Instagram accounts provide just that.
1. Dana Falsetti @nolatrees
Instagram bio: “Write, speaker, yoga teacher, vocal advocate for: higher consciousness. Critical thought. Authentic living. Self empowerment.”
Her message is heartfelt. She gives zero fucks and is tired of the hypocrisy that often surrounds yoga. This body positive yogi is a women’s advocate and hopes to inspire critical thinking, self-awareness, and confidence in her followers, making this one of our favorite inspiring yoga Instagram accounts. Find more information at
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“I know I’ve gone nearly silent on the yoga front. 4 years of working in corporatized yoga has been enough to exhaust me. I think the biggest reason has been that I’m working in a world that still mostly isn’t for me….When I show up for shoots or features it’s all about the flashiness, because a fat girl can only redeem herself if she is extraordinary (usually physically, to make up for the fatness)…I am grateful every opportunity to be myself and help others…Because so much needs to change…I do this work BECAUSE this space still isn’t for me as someone in a fat body, because I still shock people with my body, and I’ve got a lot of privilege working in my favor. So for me to still feel that… I can only imagine how so many others feel…Of course people think this practice isn’t for them….It’s not just about self love, though I hope everybody can come to that place. It’s about recognizing the ingrained bs that hinders us and deciding to rise. It has been my pleasure to watch you rise. Without you showing up for you, I wouldn’t have the energy to continue.”
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2. Heidi Zoltak (in memory) @heidiyogi
Instagram bio: “Woman, yogi, mom of 3, amputee, cancer survivor, human.”
Heidi had an amazing story of struggle and perseverance. As an amputee who recently lost her battle with cancer, she still found the strength to get on her mat during her fight. You’ll feel humbled and inspired seeing her journey. One of the must-follow inspiring yoga Instagram accounts. Support her family here:
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“My real practice looks like this. Boobs stuffed into my @handfulbra all crooked, tank top sticking on my sweating flushed face, ripped leggings inside out with an uncontained muffin top, my prosthetic leg constantly breaking its suction, both dogs slobbering on mat and my plastic foot slipping and sliding on their splattered saliva …and I could go on…..Don’t be blinded by these squares. Yoga is a messy, unbiased, frustrating, humorous, invigorating, humbling and empowering journey of the self. Little of which can actually be captured here in a perfect square.”
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3. Brittany Danielle @crazycurvy_yoga
Instagram bio: “Yoga Teacher, Body Positive, Mommy, Girlfriend”
Brittany brings a playfulness to her yoga practice. Her body positive message and contagious smile will inspire you to stop, drop, and child’s pose. She documents her personal experiences and struggles in and outside the yoga world, which makes her very accessible and real. Definitely one of our favorite and inspiring yoga Instagram accounts.
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“Everyday your practice can take you someplace new. Today, I went to the edge of falling, crying, and giving up. It’s not the place I intended to arrive at but the body has a way of guiding itself. I don’t believe there are good or bad days of practicing. Yes, someday will come easy, and some will be harder, but through weakness comes strength.”
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4. Yogi Memes @yogimemes
Instagram bio: “Yogis making you laugh on the reg, Original Content”
Hands-down the best yogi meme account out there. They make fun of yoga and illuminate some of the hypocrisy around it, which is always refreshing. Everyone can find something to laugh about here—whether you’re a yogi newbie or a veteran, it’s pure gold.
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5. Jessamyn @mynameisjessamyn
If you haven’t heard of her already, look her up and get ready to fall in love. Her no-holds-barred body positive message will make you feel all the feels. Her posts are deep, vulnerable, and sometimes political. If she doesn’t teach you that yoga can be and should be for everyone, then I don’t know what will. Jessamyn is an obvious choice for our inspiring yoga Instagram accounts. You can also buy her book Every Body Yoga.
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“I very rarely practice in actual “yoga clothes”- kinda wild considering I’ve spent most of my life in a state of fear/panic over my naked body. I still get shy when I’m naked in front of mirrors- I tend to hold my body at random angles so I don’t have to look at it full-on. It’s a terrible habit but it’s a telltale symptom of my body shaming addiction. I’m especially judgmental of my breasts. They’ve always been saggy and I’ve battled shame over them since forever. I mean, the media always makes tits look so pert and shit. But what if something happens to mine one day. I mean, the odds seem to be pretty fucking high that something could definitely happen to them and/or the rest of my physical body. And I’m not getting any younger- what if these are the glory days with my breasts? I like to think that my tits and I will be together until I say so but bitch, please- I ain’t in charge of that. The odds might not be in my favor. So I’m going to love these droopy sacks as much as I can right now, do my best to check ’em regularly and try to stop thinking shitty thoughts bc good grief- life is short and I don’t need to waste mine by hating a body that’s more than a gift to me.”
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6. Nude yoga girl @nude_yogagirl
Instagram bio: “Model, Photographer, yoga, art, travel. You are beautiful exactly the way you are.”
Nude yoga girl combines her insane photography skills with her graceful and elegant yoga practice. And the result is breathtaking. The artistry lies in the subtlety, mastery, and anonymity of her work. She often engages her audience with thought-provoking questions that make her one of our favorite inspiring yoga Instagram accounts. You’ll want to check her out. And then buy some of her unique prints for your home studio at
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“I’m thinking about how small steps make a long journey… If you do one act for your dreams everyday, after one year 365 acts have maybe changed your life. And what about after five years? If I knew how much time, effort and energy I would put into NYG… That I will make almost 500 art photos on top of my other work, write captions in English and stay anonymous during two years, I would say: impossible for me, I can’t. I wouldn’t start because it would feel too long and difficult, not within my reach. So just to say… whether it’s your dream, a lifestyle change, big work project, building a house or anything… Think about day by day, step by step. Do today what you can do today.”
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7. Sara Romeiro @my_littlecupcake
Instagram bio: “Mom, Nutritionist, Asthangi, Pregnant yoga teacher, Globetrotter”
Sara shows the lighthearted, fun side of yoga. She documents the reality of being a mom to three kids while maintaining a serious personal practice. Her kids often surround or hang off her while she’s in a pose—proving that if she can find the time, we all can. Sometimes her children even mimic her yoga poses. Cute kids and yoga, what’s not to love?
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8. Kino MacGregor @kinoyoga
Kino is accessible, engaging, and non-judgy. For someone entrenched in the yoga world, she is surprisingly accepting. Though her pictures depict the typical perfect poses and backdrops, her posts are deep, informative, and educational. She’s not just about inspo content, she wants to teach you. Find her at
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“Yoga is about so much more than pretty poses and beautiful pictures. I do recognize the irony and seeming hypocrisy of that statement. I mean look, here I am posting a pretty pic of a handstand. And you could even argue that handstands are their own blessing and curse in the world of yoga. In one sense both handstands and idyllic imagery are inspiring and encourage people to start or keep practicing. But on the other hand they can be off-putting and exclusionary and make you think you need to check off all the boxes before you’re a good enough. Having all the boxes checked off in some fantasy world created from external imagery, such as having the right clothes, shape, location, skin/hair/eye color, size, etc. means that you’ve bought into someone’s notion of “rightness”…When there’s a standardization of form, almost like a uniform that yogis have to wear to fit in, I want to rebel against it all and reclaim authenticity. The deepest truth of yoga cannot be bought, commercialized, packaged or marketed for sale. It is a deeply personal experience of the Divine..As many ways of being human, that’s how many ways there are of being a yogi. Yoga starts by loving yourself for exactly who you are, as you are right now.”