5 Tips for a great outdoor adventure date

Outdoor adventure date: Inspiration and Tips!

So, you fancy yourself an “outdoorsy” type–at least enough to list “hiking” on your online dating profiles. And you want to steer away from the cliché “meet for drinks” date, and instead plan an outdoor adventure date. Excellent idea! To make sure your date goes well, follow our 5 tips for a great outdoor adventure date. Then check out our 5 awesome outdoor adventure date ideas.

Outdoor adventure date
If your date’s face looks like this, it’s probably because you didn’t follow our 5 Tips for a great outdoor adventure date

Read more: 6 Types of adventure couples we love to hate

1. Keep your outdoor adventure date simple

This isn’t the time to try that once-in-a-lifetime adventure off of your bucket list. The hike shouldn’t involve bushwhacking, the climb shouldn’t be multi-pitch, and whatever the activity, it shouldn’t require you or your partner to move too far outside their comfort zone. The date should be relaxing. A conduit for natural conversation. Your outdoor adventure date is a means to an end (getting to know each other), not the end in itself.

Outdoor adventure date yoga session
Yoga in the woods is a great way to get to know each other! Photo Credit: Ryan Tuttle Photography

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2. Keep it short

What’s the best part of every outdoor adventure? Obviously the burritos and beers afterwards. Perhaps hardship can bring a couple who are already in a relationship closer together…but for the first few dates, you want it to be fun, comfortable, and pain-free. Way better to wish the adventure was longer than still slugging along wishing it was over. Leave your date wanting more! Overestimate how long things will take so that you can go at a nice slow pace. You always have the option of more adventure time on a second date, but you don’t have the option of a second first-impression.

Outdoor adventure date: a simple picnic
A picnic!? It’s romantic, it involves food, and its easy. Enough said. Photo Credit: Ryan Tuttle Photography

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3. Don’t use the date as an excuse to show off your incredible abilities

So you’re really talented at something. Good for you. Don’t use this outdoor adventure as an excuse to show off–especially if the activity is new to them. No one likes being shown they aren’t good at something. If you want to share a passion you have, do it at the most beginner level with a focus on sharing an experience and getting to know each other. If you’re surfing, go to the beginner beach. If you’re climbing, top-rope something easy instead of attempting your hard project. If you’re hiking, keep the distance and elevation gain both low. Make sure the person feels supported and encouraged and is having fun. If their impression afterward is that you’re really good at something, you did it wrong. Instead, make sure they feel like they learned something and had fun.

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Outdoor adventure date: rock climbing
@megmac336 ignoring Tip #3 by showing off her bouldering skills. Photo Credit: Ryan Tuttle Photography

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4. Don’t assume your date will love what you love

Don’t assume your passion is something everyone enjoys. A fun day out might mean one thing to you, but for your date it could be uncomfortable, boring, or scary. If followed #1-3, this won’t be an issue. Because even if they don’t like your favorite outdoor activity, at least you kept it simple, short, and didn’t show off. The goal is not to get them to like an activity, it’s to get them to like you (assuming you like them back!). Trust me, I’ve seen the disastrous outcome when people ignored this one. Usually, they turn into couple #1: The Fighters from our 6 Types of adventure couples we love to hate. And trust me, those people don’t ever get to a second date.

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5. Bring plenty of food and water

Ever heard of being hangry? Do you know the symptoms of dehydration? Think tired, irritable, headache, and obviously thirsty and hungry. Not a good time at all. Make sure you’re feeling your best by drinking and eating enough during your outdoor adventure date. And for bonus points, bring extra water for your date as well as a tasty snack or two to share.

Outdoor adventure date: good food and drink
Nothing brings people together like food! Photo Credit: Ryan Tuttle Photography

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